The countdown is on …
With only two weeks until the kick-off of the 2023 Creative Climate Awards, we wanted to celebrate by sharing with you sneak peeks of this year’s artists.
After the challenging curation process of over 130 talented applicants, we are proud to finally announce our 31 selected artists from 7 different countries.
You will get immersed in climate action through musical and dance performances, photography, paintings, sculptures, mixed media, tapestry, interactive installations, and more.
Join us in celebrating this global movement of innovation, collaboration, and action on climate justice in person throughout NYC or virtually! The Creative Climate Awards (CCA) will take off on April 19th until May 12th and you can get all the CCA event tickets here.
Keep an eye on our Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn & Twitter for continual updates on our selected artists who will also take over our Instagram account by guiding you through their action-inspiring work.
Nina Schröder
Creative Communications Intern
Wake up to the climate crisis.
Speak up for a just climate transition!
Pasamontañas (Sculpture)
This piece talks about overexploitation in the Andes. The artist Niceli Portugal hopes to invoke the urgency into taking an action to preserve our present planet to future generations.
Taking climate action leads to hope.
Drift (Photography)
Through her piece, Roos van Geffen creates an experience for people to feel the urgency of climate change and how we depend on water for our survival.
Connect with nature.
Co-create with her.
Entangled (Short film)
Kaja Grujic’s film opens up dialogue regarding our relationship with nature – both individually and collectively. How can we flourish together?
Promote water conservation.
Say ‘no’ to bottled water &
‘yes’ to safe tap water.
Consider Water (Performance)
Davalois Fearon envisioned these multimedia elements as a way to invite audience members to bring new consideration to one of the earth’s most precious resources.
Learn more about local climate justice work. Join a social movement, community-based group or nonprofit.
Tibbetts Estuary Tapestry
Created by Matthew López-Jensen & Ana de la Cueva with 95 participants from the Bronx and beyond, this collectively embroidered work reflects green solutions between the environment and persistent flooding.
Bring frontline voices to the table and amplify their climate demands.
Daughterland Series (Oil Painting)
This series by Meesha Goldberg expresses her vision of how, despite displacement, one can reach into her motherland culture.